Our Mission

We’re on a mission to cultivate a healthier, happier world by spreading goodness through nourishing foods, honest words and conduct that is considerate and forever kind to the planet.
We believe food has the power to impact the future of the planet and everybody on it. From partnering with the farmers who grow our food, to thoughtfully choosing the packaging that our food is shipped in – we’ve always had your family and our planet in mind. Learn why we believe organic is better, how we make our foods, and how together, we’re making a bigger impact.
Annie Withey
Annie Withey believed it was possible to build a socially conscious and successful business. This was her mission in 1989, when she wrote her name, address, and phone number on the very first boxes of Annie’s Mac and Cheese. Her legacy lives on as Annie’s strives to change the future for our kids, starting with food.
We are a triple bottom line business. 

In 2018, Annie’s, Cascadian Farm, and Muir Glen joined together as a new Operating Unit within General Mills. We proudly named our group of brands after our fierce collective commitment to mission: The Triple Bottom Line Operating Unit is committed to driving positive outcomes for the planet, people, and profit.
  • Field of green plants


    Natural resources like soil, water, and air provide the foundation for our business to exist.

  • Mother and daughter having Annie graham crackers


    We depend on consumers, employees, farmers, and supply chain partners for our business to thrive.

  • Women holding organic soil with earthworm in it

    Our financial business success fuels our stewardship of the planet and our service to people. In turn, the planet and people help fuel our profit.


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